The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
![]() Full Professor Wojciech Burakowski |
Address: Institute of Telecommunications |
Professor Wojciech Burakowski was born in Warsaw in 1951. He received M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in telecommunications from Warsaw University of Technology in 1975, 1982 and 1992, respectively. In 90-ties he was working one year for Telefonica I+D in Madrid as senior engineer. From 1997 he is a professor at Warsaw University of Technology. From 2003 he is Tenured Professor. From 2002 he is Director for Research of Institute of Telecommunications, Warsaw University of Technology. He is a leader of the Architectures and Applications for the Internet (AAI) Team. From 1990 he is involved as the member of the Management Committees in the European projects COST 224, 242, 257, and 279, all related to the traffic control issues in the broadband multi-service networks. The AAI Team head by Wojciech Burakowski has been involved in targeted EU projects as the Copernicus 1463 (1994-1998) and FR5 IST-AQUILA (2000-2003). Currently the AAI Team is involved in 6FR IP project EuQoS (2004-2007) and in 6FR coordination action IST project MOME (2004-2006).
Professor Wojciech Burakowski is the author or co-author of about 130 papers published in books, international and national journals and conference proceedings. He is a chairman and member of technical program committees of many national (Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, PSRT) and international conferences (NATO RCMCIS, PGTS, ACS, NETWORKING, AINA). He was the leader of many national projects and co-author of more than 60 technical reports. He was the supervisor of 11 Ph.D. thesis. His research areas include ATM, IP, and heterogeneous networks (fixed and wireless), traffic engineering, simulation techniques, measurement methods and test-beds.
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Wojciech Burakowski, Piotr Krawiec (Ed.), "Inżynieria Internetu Przyszłoci cz. 2", Instytut Telekomunikacji PW, Oficyna Wydawnicza PW, Warszawa 2013, ISBN: 978-83-7814-099-3 |
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Wojciech Burakowski, Piotr Krawiec (Ed.), "Inżynieria Internetu Przyszłoci cz. 1", Instytut Telekomunikacji PW, Oficyna Wydawnicza PW, Warszawa 2012, ISBN: 978-83-7814-042-9 |
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Wojciech Burakowski (Ed.), "Towards the QoS Internet", International Workshop, To-QoS 2006, Coimbra, Portugal, May 19, 2006, Proceedings, ISBN: 978-972-95988-6-9, in press. |
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W. Burakowski, U. Hofmann, "Internet Performance, Simulation, Monitoring and Measurements", Warsaw, Poland, 2005. |
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COST 279 Management Committee, Michael Menth (eds.), "Analysis and Design of Advanced Multiservice Networks Supporting Mobility, Multimedia, and Internetworking", COST 279 - Midterm Report, ARACNE, Rome, January 2004, ISBN 88-7999-635-5, |
W.Burakowski, H.Tarasiuk, A. Beben, J.Śliwiński, J. Mongay Batalla, P. Krawiec. "Internet przyszłości - nowe wyzwanie dla telekomunikacji (i nie tylko)", Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny, nr. 4, 2010
A. Binczewski, B. Gajda, W. Proczyk, R. Szukan, W. Burakowski, J. Śliwiński, P. Krawiec, P. Wiśniewski, J. Mongay Batalla, K. Sienkiewicz, M. Gajewski, A. Grzech, J. Kwiatkowski, K. Chudzik, J. Woźniak, K. Nowicki, T. Mrugalski, J. Światowiak, "Dlaczego wdrożenie protokołu IPv6 jest ważne dla rozwoju Internetu?", Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny, nr. 8-9, 2010, ISSN 1230-3496 (KSTiT'2010)
J. Mongay Batalla, J. Śliwiński, H. Tarasiuk, W. Burakowski, "Impact of Signaling System Performance on QoE in Next Generation Networks", Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, no. 4, 2009
E. Mingozzi, G. Stea, M.A. Callejo-Rodríguez, J. Enríquez-Gabeiras, G. García-de-Blas, F.J. Ramón-Salquero, W. Burakowski, A. Beben, J. Sliwinski, H. Tarasiuk, O. Dugeon, M. Diaz, L. Baresse, E. Monteiro, "EuQoS: End-to-End Quality of Service over Heterogeneous Networks", Computer Communications, Vol. 32, Issue 12,Elsevier July 2009.
W. Burakowski, A. Beben, H.Tarasiuk, J. Sliwiński, R. Janowski, J. Mongay Batalla, P. Krawiec, "Provision of End-to-End QoS in Heterogeneous Multi-Domain Networks", annals of telecommunications - annales des télécommunications Springer Eds., Vol. 63, Issue 11, Page 559. (2008)
J. Śliwiński, A. Bęben, W. Burakowski, "Handling of heterogegeous CBR streams in wireless LANs by the Self-synghronised Packet Transfer mechanism", Theoretical and applied informatics, Polish Academy of Science, 2008
W. Burakowski, ATM kontra IP. "Krokus pokazuje kierunek" (w: Przegląd sił zbrojnych), 2007, ss. 58-59
X. Masip-Bruin, M. Yannuzzi, R. Serral-Gracia, J. Domingo-Pascual, J. Enriquez-Gabeiras, M. Callejo, M. Diaz, F.Racaru, G. Stea, E. Mingozzi, A. Beben, W. Burakowski, E. Monteiro, L. Cordeiro, The EuQoS System: A solution for QoS Routing in Heterogeneous Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol.45 No.2, February 2007
J.Śliwiński, W.Burakowski, A.Bęben: "A method for improving transfer quality of CBR streams over wireless lans" (w: Systems Science). 2007. z. 3. ss. 37-44.
W.Burakowski, A. Beben, H.Tarasiuk, J.Śliwiński. "Zapewnienie jakości przekazu "od końca do końca" w sieci Internet: 6.PR IST EuQoS", Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny, nr. 9, 2006
D.Duda, W. Burakowski, Simple admission control procedure for QoS packet swithed military networks, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technologies, nr. 3/2006, 38-42
C. Brandauer, W. Burakowski, M. Dabrowski, B. Koch, H. Tarasiuk "AC algorithms in Aquila QoS IP network", European Transaction on Telecommunications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Vol. 16, No. 3, May-June 2005, pp. 225-232.
A. Bak, W. Burakowski, F. Ricciato, S. Salsano, H. Tarasiuk, "A framework for providing differentiated QoS guarantees in IP-based network", Computer Communications 26 (2003), Elsevier, pp. 327-337.
A. Bęben, W. Burakowski, P. Pyda: A Comparison of ATM and IP QoS Network Capabilities for Handling LAN Traffic with QoS Differentiation, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2003. pp. 25-31.
A. Bak, A.Beben, W. Burakowski, M. Dabrowski, M. Fudala, H. Tarasiuk, Z. Kopertowski, "AQUILA network architecture: first trial experiment", Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2/2002.
M. Dabrowski, W. Burakowski, A. Beben, "On effectiveness of conditional admission control for IP QoS network services with REM scheme", Proc. of the 8th Polish Teletraffic Symposium, Zakopane, September 2001; Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2/2002.
W. Burakowski, M. Dąbrowski, "Wielousługowa sieć IP QoS: architektura i praktyczna weryfikacja w sieci pilotowej", Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny No.5/2002, pp. 300-309
W. Burakowski, H.Tarasiuk, "New Priority scheme for differentiating QOS in IP networks", Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej Polskiej Akademii Nauk, Tom 13 (2001), z. 3, pp. 231-247.
A.Bęben, W.Burakowski, "CBR service in wireless ATM network", European Transactions on Telecommunications, Vol.12, nr.4, July- August, 2001, pp. 311-320
W.Burakowski, A. Bęben, Modelling a wireless ATM access system with TDMA MAC protocol , Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej, nr. 3, 2001), str. 249-258
W.Burakowski, H. Tarasiuk, "Priority scheme based on the queue management algorithm with reservations (QMAR)", Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej nr 3, 2001 str. 231-247
A.Beben, W.Burakowski, P.Pyda, "Evaluation of Traffic Carried by ATM Wireless Access Link Controlled be MEDIAN Protocol", Personal Wireless Communications, (ed.J.Wozniak, J.Konorski) Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2000 str. 133-146
W.Burakowski (ed.), chapter Wireless Networks, COST-257 Final Report, Impact of New Services on Architecture and Performance of Broadband Networks, comptuTEAM, Wuerzburg, Germany, 2000, wydanie ksiązkowe, skrócone, str. 65- 82, wydanie rozszerzone - CD, 50 str
W.Burakowski et al., "An overview of Activities on Wireless Networks in the European Project COST 257", Personal Wireless Communications (de. J.Wozniak, J.Konorski), Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2000 str. 167-197
C.Blondia, W.Burakowski, O.Casal, "ABR service in the ATM networks", COST 257, Impacts of new services on the architecture and performance of broadband network, Proceedings of the Mid-Term Seminar, January 20/21, 1999, Villamorura, Portugal, ISBN 972-98084-0-6
A.Bak, A.Beben, W.Burakowski, Z.Kopertowski, P.Pyda, M.Leśniewicz. "Ocena jakości usług warstwy ATM w sieciach bezprzewodowych", Telekomunikacja Cyfrowa nr 3/4, 1999
A.Bęben, W.Burakowski, "Usługa CBR w bezprezwodowych sieciach ATM", Telekomunikacja Cyfrowa nr.3/4, 1999, str. 137-148
A.Bąk, W.Burakowski, "A new traffic control algorithm for the ABR service", New Communication Services, Performance Information and Communication Systems (ed. U.Korner, A.Nilsson), Chapman & Hall, 1998, str.189-202
H. Tarasiuk, J. Mongay Batalla, R. Janowski, W. Burakowski, G. Stea, C. Cicconetti, J. Sá Silva, F. J. Ramon-Salguero, and G. García-de Blas: "Designing the Simulative Evaluation of an Architecture for Supporting QoS on a Large Scale". ACM ISBN 978-963-9799-20-2. QoSim 2008. Marseille, March, 2008.
M.A. Callejo-Rodrigitez, J. Enriquez-Gabeiras, W. Burakowski, A. Beben, J. Sliwinski, O. Dugeon, E. Mingozzi, G. Stea, M. Diaz, L. Baresse, "EuQoS: End-To-End QoS over Heterogeneous Networks," Innovations in NGN: Future Network and Services, 2008. K-INGN 2008. First ITU-T Kaleidoscope Academic Conference , vol., no., pp.177-184, 12-13 May 2008
W. Burakowski, H. Tarasiuk: "Towards the QoS Internet", 7th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint EuroFGI and ITG Workshop on "Visions of Future Generation Networks", EuroView2007 (Keynote Talk), Wuerzburg, July 23-24, 2007, Germany. (PDF Presentation)
R. Janowski, P. Krawiec and W. Burakowski, "On assuring QoS in Ethernet access network", In Proc. of The Third International Conference on Networking and Services ICNS 2007. June 19-25, 2007 - Athens, Greece.
P. Krawiec, W. Burakowski: "Resource allocation strategies for New connections in QoS multi-domain networks with signaling capabilities" (w: 2007 Australian Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference), Christchurch, New Zealand, 2007, ss. 337 - 342
J. Śliwiński, W.Burakowski and A.Bęben, A Method for Improving Transfer Quality of CBR Streams over Wireless LANs, In Proc. of 4th Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium, September 21-22, Wroclaw, Poland, ISBN 83-7085-975-5 (PPT Presentation)
Halina Tarasiuk, Robert Janowski and Wojciech Burakowski, "Application of Admission Control and Traffic Shaping for providing TCP Throughput Guarantees", In Proc. of International Workshop To-QoS'2006 in conjunction with IFIP 2006 Networking Conference, Coimbra, Portugal, 19 May 2006, ISBN: 978-972-95988-6-9, pp. 163-172, in press.
W. Burakowski, M. Diaz, O. Dugeon, A. Pietrabissa, F. Racaru, G. Santoro and H. Tarasiuk, "On Multi-Domain Connection Admission Control in the EuQoS System", In Proc. of 15th IST Mobile & Wireless Communications Summit, Myconos 4-8 June, 2006, in press.
W, Burakowski, "Architecture for providing QoS in the multi-domain environment";lessons from European projects, Military Communication Conference, Gdynia, September 2006 (plenary paper)
M.Dabrowski, P.Owezarski, W.Burakowski & A.Beben, Overview of Monitoring and Measurement System in EuQoS Multidomain Network, In proc. of International Conference of Telecommunications and Multimedia, TEMU 2006, Crete - Greece, July 5-7, 2006.(PPT Presentation)
O. Dugeon, D. Morris, E. Monteiro, W. Burakowski, M. Diaz, "End to End Quality of Service over Heterogeneous Networks (EuQoS)", In Proc. of the Network Control and Engineering for QoS, Security and Mobility, IFIP TC6 Conference, NetCon'05, Lannion, France, 14-18 November 2005.
A. Beben, W.Burakowski, J.Sliwinski, Methods for providing Quality of Service in WLANs , COST 279 Final Seminar, June 27-29, Lisboa, Portugal, 2005. (PPT Presentation)
H. Tarasiuk, R. Janowski, W. Burakowski, "Admissible traffic load of real time class of service for inter-domain peers", In Proc. of Joint International Conference on Autonomic and Autonomous Systems and International Conference on Networking and Services, ICAS/ICNS 2005, published by IEEE Computer Society, 23-28 October 2005, Papeete, Tahiti, French Polynesia. (PPS Presetnation)
A. Bęben, W. Burakowski and M. Dąbrowski, Reference Measurement Points for validation of end-to-end QoS in heterogeneous multiple domain network, 3rd International Workshop on Internet Performance, Simulation, Monitoring and Measurement IPS-MoMe 2005, Warsaw March 14-15, 2005. (PDF Presentation)
W. Burakowski, M. Dąbrowski, M. Potts, EuQoS classes of Service, First European Workshop of End-to-End QoS in the Internet, Paris, June 2005. (PDF Presentation)
M.Dąbrowski, A.Bęben, W.Burakowski, On Inter-Domain Admission Control Supported by Measurements in Multi-domain IP QoS Network, Proc. of 2nd International Workshop on Inter-Domain Performance and Simulation (IPS 2004), Budapest, Hungary March 22-23, 2004.
W.Burakowski, M.Koziełło, "Strategy for implementation NCW/NEC in Polish Army", Network Transformation Conference, London, December 2004 (invited paper)
W. Burakowski, H. Tarasiuk, "Admission Control for TCP Connections in QoS IP Network", Proc. of the Second International Conference on Human.Society@Internet - HSI 2003, June 2003, Seoul, Korea: Web and Communication Technologies and Internet-Related Social Issues, Chin-Wan Chung, et al (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2713, Springer Verlag 2003, pp. 383-393.
W. Burakowski, A. Beben, "Premium Message Handling Service in Military Networks", in Proc. of 5th NATO Regional Conference on Military Communications and Information Systems 2003: Capturing New CIS Technologies, Poland, 2003.
C. Brandauer, W. Burakowski, M. Dabrowski, B. Koch, H. Tarasiuk, "AC algorithms in Aquila QoS IP network", In Proc. of 2nd Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium PGTS 2002, Gdansk, Poland, September 2002.
W. Burakowski, M. Fudala, "Priority Forcing Scheme; A New Strategy for Getting Better than Best Effort Service in IP-based Network", In Proc. of IFIP TC6/WG6.4 Workshop on Internet Technologies, Applications and Social Impact (WITASI 2002), W. Cellary, A. Iyengar (Eds.): Internet Technologies, Applications and Social Impact, October 10-11, 2002, Wroclaw, Poland. IFIP Conf. Proc. 232 Kluwer 2002, pp. 135-150 .
A. Beben, W. Burakowski, P. Pyda, "A Comparison of ATM and IP QoS Network Capabilities for Handling LAN Traffic with QoS Differentiation", In Proc. of the NATO Regional Conference on Military Communications and Information Systems, CIS Challenges in the New Environment, Poland 2002, pp. 157-163.
W. Burakowski, M. Dabrowski, H. Tarasiuk, "Handling TCP controlled traffic with QoS in IP-based network", The 6th World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics SCI 2002, Orlando Florida, USA, July 2002.
M. Fudala, W. Burakowski, "PFS scheme for forcing better service in best effort IP network", In Proc. of 2nd Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium PGTS 2002, Poland 2002.
A. Bak, W. Burakowski, F. Ricciato, S. Salsano, H. Tarasiuk, "Traffic handling in AQUILA QoS IP Networks", Proc. of the QoFIS 2001, Coimbra, Portugal, 2001, "Quality of Future Internet Services", M. Smirnov, et al. (eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2156, Springer Verlag 2001, pp. 243-260.
Bak, A. Beben, W. Burakowski, M. Dabrowski, M. Fudala, H. Tarasiuk, Z. Kopertowski, AQUILA network architecture: first trial experiments Proc. of the 8th Polish Teletraffic Symposium, Zakopane, Poland, 3-5 September 2001.
Bak, A. Beben, W. Burakowski, M. Dabrowski, M. Fudala, Z. Kopertowski, H. Tarasiuk, On handling streaming and elastic traffic in IP based AQUILA network: measurement results, 8th International Conference on Advances in Communications and Control - COMCON' 2001, Crete, Greece, 25-29 June 2001.
A.Bęben, P.Pyda, W.Burakowski, Data Traffic Transfer with Differentiated QoS in ATM Tactical Networks, NATO Regional Military Conference on Communications and Information Systems, RCMCIS'2001, September, Zegrze, Poland.
W.Burakowski, A.Bęben, P.Pyda, Estimation of Multiplexing Gain in ATM Tactical Links, Procceding if the IEEE Military Communication Conference, IEEE MILCOM Washington, 2001.
W. Burakowski, Z. Kopertowski, A. Stanczak, R. Basista, W. Mlynarczyk, P. Wojton, Planned Polish Air and Air Defence Forces Network, Proccedings of the NATO RTO IST Pannel, Warsaw, 2001
W. Burakowski, Z. Kopertowski and A. Beben, Differentiation Packet Transfer Quality in IP-Based Networks, Proceedngs of the NATO RTO IST Pannel, Warsaw, 2001
W. Burakowski, H. Tarasiuk, R. Syski, "On New Strategy for Prioritising The Selected Flow in Queueing System", Proc. of the Fisrts Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium, PGTS 2000, Dresden, September 24-26, 2000, Germany.
W. Burakowski, M. Fudala and H. Tarasiuk, "Performance of Premium service in QoS IP network", Proc. of the IEEE Workshop on IP-oriented Operations and Management, Cracow, Poland, 2000.
Krajowe Sympozju Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz, Poland, September, 2000.
Proc. of Advanced Computer Systems, Szczecin, Poland, 2000
W.Burakowski, A.Bęben, Traffic Control Mechanisms for Wireless ATM networks, Proc. of 2nd ELMAR International Workshop on Video Processing and Multimedia Comunications, June 28-30 2000, Zadar, Croatia.
A.Beben, W.Burakowski and P.Pyda, Admission Control for ATM Wireless Access Point, Proc. of the First Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium, PGTS 2000, Dresden, September24-26, 2000, Germany.
A.Bęben, W.Burakowski, P.Pyda, On CAC function for the wireless ATM network, IEEE MILCOM2000 Conference, Los Anchelos, October 2000, USA.
Andrzej Beben, Piotr Pyda and Wojciech Burakowski, Traffic transport capabilities in TDMA WATM protocols, Proc. of Regional Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems, Zegrze, 2000.
A.Stanczak, W.Burakowski, On voice transfer quality in ATM tactical network, Proceedings of NATO Regional Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems, Zegrze 2000
W.Burakowski, QoS IP-based networks (invited paper), Advanced Computer Systems, Szczecin, 2000
A. Bęben, W. Burakowski, P. Pyda, On CAC function for the wireless ATM network, IEEE Military Communications Systems, MILCOM2000 Conference, Los Anchelos, USA 2000
A.Bąk , A.Bęben , W.Burakowski, T.Kalkowski, Z.Kopertowski, P.Pyda Quality of ATM layer services in wireless networks, Proc. of IEEE MILCOM'99 Conference, USA.
Andrzej Beben, Andrzej Bak, Wojciech Burakowski, Zbigniew Kopertowski and Piotr Pyda, Performance Studies of the Wireless ATM Network using OPNET package 13th European Simulation Multiconference Warsaw, Poland, June 1-4, 1999.
A.Stańczak, W.Burakowski, VBR Voice Transfer Quality in the ATM Tactical Networks, Proccedings of the NATO Regional Military Conference on Communications and Information Systems, RCMCIS'1999, Zegrze, Poland
A.Bak, W.Burakowski, K.Boguslawski, Admission control for ABR service with ERICA-type algorithm, Advanced Computer Systems, Szczecin, 2000
W.Burakowski, Z. Kopertowski, A.Bąk, C.J. van Waveren, H.A.M. Luiijf, BETTER: Handling the best effort traffic in the ATM networks, IEEE Military Communication Conference, MILCOM'98, Bedford, USA, 1998
A. Bąk, W. Burakowski, A.Bęben, Evaluation of required queue size to support ABR Service, Proceedings of the Third IEEE Symposium on Computer and Communication (ISCC'98), s.525-529, Greece, 1998.
H.Tarasiuk, W.Burakowski, G.Kopeć, "GFR Service in the ATM networks: simulation studies", Advance Computer Systems , ACS'98, Szczecin, 1998
T.Kalkowski, W.Burakowski, TCP over ATM - an analytical approach, Proccedings of the IAESTED Conference, Pittsburg, USA, 1998, Polskie Sympozjum Ruchu Telekomunikacyjnego, Warszawa, 1998
W.Burakowski, J.Śliwiński, A.Bęben, H.Tarasiuk, P.Krawiec, S.Kula, P. Dymarski S. Kaczmarek, M. Narloch, H.Gut-Mostowy, W.Latoszek, E.Szynkiewicz, P.Arabas, M.Rotnicki, T.Wisniewski, P.Pyda, T.Dalecki, "Specyfikacja Systemu IP QoS opartego na architekturze DiffServ", XXV Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji i Teleinformatyki KSTiT'2009, 16-18 września, 2009, Warszawa
W. Burakowski, J. Śliwiński, A. Bęben, P. Krawiec, "Constant Bit Rate Virtual Links in IP Networks", In Proc. of the 16th Polish Teletraffic Symposium 2009, Łódź, Poland, September 24-25, 2009, ISBN 978-83-7283-317-4, pp. 23-26
Piotr Krawiec, Robert Janowski, Wojciech Burakowski, "Supporting Different Classes of Service in Ethernet Switches with Shared Buffer Architecture", In Proc. of the 5th Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium, October 6-7, 2008, Berlin, Germany, ISBN 978-3-8325-2047-2, pp. 61-70
W. Burakowski, H. Tarasiuk, "On providing QoS in the Internet", Keynote Talk, Proc. of Polish Teletraffic Symposium, PTS 2007 (Keynote Talk), Zakopane, September 20-21, 2007, pp. 7-8.
P. Stasiewicz, W. Burakowski: "Measurements for on-line QoS monitoring of Real Time Class of Service in IP networks", 14th Polish Teletraffic Symposium, September, 2007 - Zakopane, Poland
W. Burakowski, H.Tarasiuk: "On providing QoS in the Internet", 14th Polish Teletraffic Symposium, September, 2007 - Zakopane, Poland
W.Burakowski, A.Bęben, H.Tarasiuk, J.Śliwiński, R.Janowski, P.Krawiec, J.Mongay Batalla, D.Duda, A.Kolewska: "Wyniki projektu IST EuQoS" (w: Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji i Teleinformatyki KSTiT 2007). 2007. ss. 785-792.
W. Burakowski, A.Bęben, H.Tarasiuk, J. Śliwiński, "Zapewnienie jakości przekazu "od końca do końca": projekt 6.PR IST EuQoS", Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, 13-15 września, 2006, Bydgoszcz. (artykuł plenarny)
Piotr Krawiec and Wojciech Burakowski, "How to reduce signaling traffic in the future QoS network", National Symposium of Telecommunications, 13-15 September, 2006, Bydgoszcz, Poland.
W.Burakowski, "Architektury dla zapewnienia QoS w sieci Internet", Technologie informacyjne, Gdańsk, Poland, Maj 2006. (artykuł plenarny) (PPT Presentation)
W. Burakowski, H. Tarasiuk, A. Beben, M. Dabrowski, "EuQoS IST project: Overview of the QoS framework for EuQoS", Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz, Poland, September 2005. (PDF Presentation)
D.Duda, W.Burakowski, "Evaluation of Simplified Admission Control Function for Packet Switched networks" Proccedings of the 12th Polish teletraffic Symposium, September 19-20, 2005, Poznań
M. Dąbrowski, J. Śliwiński, W. Burakowski "The MOME Measurement Database", Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz, Poland, September, 2005. (PDF Presentation)
W. Burakowski, H. Tarasiuk, "Projekt COST 279: Analiza i projektowanie zaawansowanych sieci wielo-uslugowych wspierajacych mobilnosc, multimedia oraz wspólprace miedzy sieciami", Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz, Poland, September, 2004.
W. Burakowski, A. Beben, "IST EuQoS project: End-to-end Quality of Service support over heterogeneous networks, Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 2004, pp. 150-154.
M. Dabrowski, W. Burakowski, "Projekt IST MOME: Monitorowanie i pomiary w sieciach IP", XX Krajowego Sympozjum Telekomunikacji 'KST 2004, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 2004, pp. 168-174.
W. Burakowski, "Polskie zespoły badawcze w projektach 6. Programu Ramowego Unii Europejskie"j, Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny, 2004. z. 8-9/2004. pp. 346-349.
W. Burakowski, "Polskie zespoły w projektach 6. Programu Ramowego Unii Europejskiej", XX Krajowego Sympozjum Telekomunikacji 'KST 2004, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 2004, pp. 67-75.
M. Pióro, W. Burakowski, "IST Network of Excellence Euro-NGI: Design and Engineering of the Next Generation Internet - Towards Convergent Multi-Service Networks", XX Krajowego Sympozjum Telekomunikacji 'KST 2004, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 2004, pp. 110-118.
M. Dąbrowski, W. Burakowski, "Assessment of Token Bucket Parameters by On-Line Traffic Measurements", Proc. of 10th Polish Teletraffic Symposium, Cracow, Poland September 2003, pp. 321-334.
W. Burakowski, A. Beben, "Premium Message Handling Service in IP QoS Networks, in Proc. of 10th Polish Teletraffic Symposium, Cracow, Poland, September 2003, pp. 123-131.
H. Tarasiuk, W. Burakowski, "Admission control for TCP connections in QoS IP network", Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz, Poland, September 2002.
M. Dabrowski, W. Burakowski, "Comparative studies of declaration-and measurement-based admission control algorithms for IP QoS networks", Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji 2002, Bydgoszcz, Poland, September 2002, pp. 199-208.
M. Fudala, W. Burakowski, "Priority Forcing Scheme", Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, KST 2002, pp. 209-219.
A. Bak, A. Beben, W. Burakowski, M. Dabrowski, M. Fudala, , H. Tarasiuk, Z. Kopertowski AQUILA Network Architecture: First Trial Experiments, III Ogólnopolska Konferencja "INTERNET - Wroclaw, Poland 2001", December 2001.
Monika Fudala, Wojciech Burakowski, Andrzej Bęben, "How to handle Web traffic with QoS?", Polish Teletraffic Syposium, 03-05 September, Zakopane, 2001
W.Burakowski, Z.Kopertowski, A.Bak, A.Wykrota, Mechanizmy QoS dla sieci IP (artykulł plenarny), Materiały konferencji INTERNET, Wrocław, listopad 2000
W.Burakowski, Z.Kopertowski, Sieci IP z jakością obsługi, Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, KST2000, Bydgoszcz 2000 (artykuł plenarny)
M.Fudala, H.Tarasiuk, W.Burakowski, Własności usługi Premium w sieci QoS IP, Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, KST2000, Bydgoszcz 2000
Burakowski, R.Sobiczewski, Rozwój Sieci telekomunikacyjnych a technika ATM, Konferencja "Sieci Rozległe w roku 2000 - oczekiwania i rzeczywistość", Zakopane 17-19 marca, (artykuł plenarny) 1999
A.Stańczak, W.Burakowski, Przekaz mowy w wojskowych sieciach WATM z wykorzystaniem usługi CBR, Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, KST'99, Bydgoszcz
A.Bęben, W.Burakowski, On improving CBR service playback buffer mechanism in WATM network, COST Document, Warsaw, 1999 Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, KST'99, Bydgoszcz
H.Tarasiuk, W.Burakowski, R.Sobiczewski, "Usługa GFR w sieci ATM", Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz, wrzesień, 1999
W.Burakowski, Z.Kopertowski, C. van Waveren, E. Luiijf, "On COTS concept application to the ATM tactical network", Wojskowa Konferencja Telekomunikacji i Informatyki, Zegrze, 1998
W. Burakowski, "Metody Analizy Ruchowej Zespołów Steruj?cych Central ze Sterowaniem Programowym", Wydawnictwa Politechniki Warszawskiej, Warszawa, 1991
D. Bursztynowski, W. Burakowski, W. Syski, "On Performance Oriented Designing in SPC Systems", Proc. of the ITC Specialists Seminar, Kraków, North-Holland, 1991
J. Andrade, W. Burakowski, M. Villen, "Cell Traffic Characterization in ATM networks", Teletraffic and Datatraffic in a Period of Change (13th International Teletraffic Congress), ed. A.Jensen, V.B. Iversen, North Holland, 1991
W. Burakowski, "Exact Method for Calculation of the Second Moments of Queue Size and Waiting Time Distributions in an M/G/1 Queue with Priorities and Deterministic Feedback", Proc. of the 13th Intern. Teletraffic Congress, Kopenhaga, czerwiec, 1991
D. Bursztynowski, W. Burakowski, W. Syski, "An Approach for Priority Assignment Scheme in a SPC System", Proc. of the 2nd Intern. Seminar on Queueing Theory, Moskwa, 1989
W. Burakowski, W. Syski, D. Bursztynowski, "Metodologia Przydziału Priorytetów dla Systemu Komutacyjnego", Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz 1989.
W. Burakowski, "Analysis of a Single Processor with Mixed Priorities and Deterministic Feedback", Computer Communications Systems, edited by A. Cerveira, str.231-240, North Holland, 1988
W. Burakowski, M. Villen, "Queue Size Distributions in an M/D/1 Queue with Non?Preemptiv Priorities and Deterministic Feedback", Proc. of the 1?st Intern. Teletraffic Seminar, Sofia 1988.
W. Burakowski, "Rozkład Długości Kolejek dla Systemu M/D/1 z Deterministycznym Sprzężeniem Zwrotnym i Mieszanymi Priorytetami", Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz 1988.
A. Niedźwiecka, W. Burakowski, "Realizacja przejścia z zapisu graficznego na zapis tekstowy w języku JS SDL", Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz, 1987
W. Burakowski, J. Andrade, L. Fernandez, "Characterizationes de fuentes de traffico en redes MTA", Biuletyn Telefoniki I+D, nr.1/ 1990
W. Burakowski, "Podejście do Analizy Procesora Komutacyjnego", Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz, 1987
W. Burakowski, D. Bursztynowski, "Metody Analizy Zespołów Sterujących w Centralach o Sterowaniu Programowym, Przegl?d Telekomunikacyjny, nr. 12, 1987
D. Bursztynowski, W. Burakowski, "Analiza Ruchowa Protokołu HDLC-ABM,2 przy założeniu kanału o błędach zależnych", Przegl?d Telekomunikacyjny, nr.7, 1987
W. Burakowski, D. Bursztynowski, "Wpływ założenia o modelu błędów w kanale na dokładność oszacowania parametrów sprawnościowych protokołu HDLC - ABM", 2, Przegl?d Telekomunikacyjny, nr. 9. 1987
W. Burakowski, D. Bursztynowski, J. Lubacz, "Protocol HDLC-ABM: traffic considerations given error dependent channel", ICCC, New Communication Services: A Challenge to Computer Technology, edited by P.Kuhn, North-Holland, 1986
W. Burakowski, D. Bursztynowski, "A method of Analysis of a Single Server System with Non-Preemptive Priorites and Deterministic Feedback", Rozprawy Elektrotechniczne, Zeszyt 4, 1986
W. Burakowski, D. Bursztynowski, "An Approach for Analysing of a Class of Distributed SPC Systems", Proc. of the 11th Intern. Teletraffic Congress, Kioto, 1985, ITC11, edited by Minoru Akiyama, Horth-Holland, 1985
W. Burakowski, "Approximative methods for multi-user-class system analysis", Proc. of the 10th Intern. Teletraffic Congress, Montreal, 1983
J. Lubacz, W. Burakowski, M. Pióro, "Traffic Analysis of a Data Transmission Channel Concentrator", Rozprawy Elektrotechniczne, PAN, 27, z.3, 1982
W. Burakowski, J. Lubacz, "An approximate method of analysis multi-user-class queueing systems", Rozprawy Elektrotechniczne PAN, z.3, 1982
W. Burakowski, "Metoda analizy ruchowej koncentratorów kanałów teleinformatycznych", Konferencja naukowo-techniczna: Teoria i Technika Ruchu Telekomunikacyjnego, Warszawa, 1981
J. Lubacz, W. Burakowski, "Multidimensional birth-death processes in the analysis of multi-user-class systems", Rozprawy Elektotechniczne PAN, z.3., 1981
W. Burakowski, J. Lubacz, M. Pióro, "Porównanie metod wykorzystania kanału wyjściowego koncentratora teleinformatycznego", I Konferencja Naukowa "Systemy Telekomunikacyjne", Kołobrzeg, 1980
W. Burakowski, "Przybliżone metody wyznaczania parametrów ruchowych teleinformatycznych koncentratorów łaczy", Rozprawa doktorska, Warszawa 1982