The young man knows the rules, but the old man knows the exceptions.
Oliver Wendell Holmes
![]() Dr hab. inż. Andrzej Bęben |
Address: Institute of Telecommunications |
Andrzej Bęben was born in Kielce in 1974. He received M.Sc., Ph.D. and D.Sc. degrees in telecommunications from Warsaw University of Technology in 1998, 2001 and 2016 respectively. After finishing Ph.D., he was employed by Institute of Telecommunication, Warsaw University of Technology as assistant professor. From the beginning of his carrier he was actively working for European and national projects like COST 257, 279, IC0703 all related to the Traffic control issues in the broadband multi-service networks. He was involved in EU projects the FR5 IST-AQUILA (2000-2003), FR6 IST-EuQoS (2004-2007), FR7 ICT COMET (2010-2013), CHIST-ERA DISEDAN (2014-2016) and POLLUX IDSECOM (2014-2017). Moreover, he was co-coordinator of POIG Future Internet Engeeneing Project (2010-2013).
He is author or co-author over 100 papers published in books, international and national journals and conference proceedings. His research areas include IP networks (fixed and wireless), Future Internet, Information Centric Networks, adaptive video streaming, traffic engineering (multicriteria routing), simulation techniques, measurement methods, prototyping and testbeds.
K. Karolewicz, A. Beben, J. Mongay Batalla, G. Mastorakis, Constandinos X. Mavromoustakis, "On efficient data storage service for IoT", International Journal of Network Management, Wiley, Volume 27, Issue 3, May/June 2017 ss. 1-14, DOI:10.1002/nem.1932
P. Wi¶niewski, J. Mongay Batalla, A. Beben, P. Krawiec, "On Optimizing Adaptive Algorithms Based on Rebuffering Probability", ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing Communications and Applications, vol. 13, nr 3s, 2017, ss. 1-20, DOI:10.1145/3092837
K. Karolewicz, A. Beben, "Cloud-based Adaptive Video Streaming: Content Storage vs. Transcoding Optimization Methods", IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, ISCC'17, July 2017, Heraklion, Greece
A. Beben, P. Wi¶niewski, J. Mongay Batalla, P. Krawiec, "ABMA+ : lightweight and efficient algorithm for HTTP adaptive streaming", ACM Multimedia Systems (MMSys), May 2016, Klagenfurt, Austria
J. Mongay Batalla, P. Krawiec, A. Beben, P. Wi¶niewski and A. Chydzinski, "Adaptive video streaming: rate and buffer on the track of minimum re-buffering", IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications (JSAC), vol. 34, nr 8, 2016, ss. 2154 - 2167, DOI:10.1109/JSAC.2016.2577360
Jordi Mongay Batalla, Andrzej Beben, Yiping Chen, "Optimized decision algorithm for Information Centric Networks", Telecommunication Systems, Springer, vol. 61, nr 2, 2016, ss. 247-255, DOI:10.1007/s11235-015-9998-4
A. Bęben, P. Wi¶niewski, J. Mongay Batalla, Piotr Krawiec, "Metody adaptacyjnego strumieniowania wideo oparte na standardzie MPEG DASH", Przegl±d Telekomunikacyjny- Wiadomo¶ci Telekomunikacyjne, SIGMA NOT, vol. LXXXIX, nr 8-9/2016, 2016, ss. 719-724, DOI:10.15199/59.2016.8-9.3 (referat plenarny)
A. Beben, "Traffic control in content delivery systems", 8th Annual WUT-KNU Joint Workshop on Information & Communications Technologies, Warsaw, 2016
P. Wi¶niewski, A. Beben, J. Mongay Batalla, P. Krawiec, "On delimiting video rebuffering for stream switching adaptive applications", IEEE International Conference on Communications ICC'15, London, June 2015 DOI:10.1109/ICC.2015.7249420
J. Mongay Batalla, P. Krawiec, D. Negru, J. Bruneau-Queyreix, E. Boroci, A. Bęben, P. Wi¶niewski, "On Providing Cloud-awareness to Client’s DASH Application by Using DASH over HTTP/2", Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, vol 4, 2015, pp. 54-64
K. Karolewicz, A. Beben, "Metody realizacji usługi rejestru tre¶ci dla sieci ICN/CAN", Przegl±d Telekomunikacyjny- Wiadomo¶ci Telekomunikacyjne, SIGMA NOT, vol. LXXXIV, nr 8-9/2015, 2015, ss. 1063-1072, DOI:10.15199/59.2015.8-9.53
A. Beben, P. Wi¶niewski, K. Karolewicz, "Laboratorium sieci ICN", Przegl±d Telekomunikacyjny- Wiadomo¶ci Telekomunikacyjne, SIGMA NOT, vol. LXXXVIII, nr 12/2015, 2015, ss. 1404-1408, DOI:10.15199/59.2015.12.3
A. Binczewski et al., "Infrastruktura PL-LAB2020", Przegl±d Telekomunikacyjny- Wiadomo¶ci Telekomunikacyjne, SIGMA NOT, vol. LXXXVIII, nr 12/2015, 2015, ss. 1399-1404, DOI:10.15199/59.2015.12.2
W. Burakowski, H. Tarasiuk, A. Beben, M. Sosnowski, P. Krawiec, Piotr Wi¶niewski, "W kierunku Internetu przyszło¶ci: równoległe internety", Przegl±d Telekomunikacyjny- Wiadomo¶ci Telekomunikacyjne, SIGMA NOT, vol. LXXXVIII, nr 2-3/2015, 2015, ss. 80-86, DOI:10.15199/59.2015.2-3.10
A. Beben, P. Wi¶niewski, J. Mongay Batalla, G. Xilouris, "A Scalable and Flexible Packet Forwarding Method for Future Internet Networks", IEEE Globecom 2014, Austin, December 2014, pp. 2027-2033
A.Beben, "Kierunki Rozwoju Internetu: Wirtualizacja infrastruktury, Sieci treści, Internet rzeczy i usług", Network Trends, Warsaw, 2014
A. Beben, J. Mongay Batalla, W. Chai, and J. ¦liwiński, "Multi-criteria decision algorithms for efficient content delivery in content networks" , Annals of telecommunications - annales des telecommunications, Springer, Volume 68, Issue 3 (2013), pp. 153-165, DOI: 10.1007/s12243-012-0321-z
A. Beben, P. Wi¶niewski, E. Ku¶mierek, M. Kosiedowski, A. Stroiński, J. Jamroży, J. Mongay Batalla, P. Krawiec, "Ocena efektywno¶ci i funkcjonalno¶ci sieci CAN dla zastosowań multimedialnych i medycznych", Przegl±d Telekomunikacyjny- Wiadomo¶ci Telekomunikacyjne, SIGMA NOT, vol. LXXXII, nr 8-9/2013, 2013, ss. 1015-1023, ISSN 1230-3496
J. Mongay Batalla, P. Krawiec, A. Bęben, "Mechanizm wewn±trzsegmentowej adaptacji Ľródła strumienia MPEG DASH", Przegl±d Telekomunikacyjny- Wiadomo¶ci Telekomunikacyjne, SIGMA NOT, vol. LXXXII, nr 8-9/2013, 2013, ss. 880-888, ISSN 1230-3496
P. Krawiec, A. Bęben, P. Wi¶niewski, J. Mongay Batalla, J. Borzdyński, J. Gutkowski, P. Ostapowicz, A. Kozik, R. Rudek, "Realizacja sieci ¶wiadomej tre¶ci w oparciu o wirtualne zasoby Systemu IIP". Chapter on "Inżynieria Internetu Przyszło¶ci. Cze¶ć 2". Oficyna Wydawnicza PW. ISBN 978-83-7814-099-3. Warszawa, 2013.
J. Mongay Batalla, A. Beben, Y. Chen, "Optimization of the decision process in Network and Server-aware algorithms", IEEE Networks 2012, Rome, Italy, October 2012
A. Beben, P. Wi¶niewski, P. Krawiec, M. Nowak, P. Pecka, J. Mongay Batalla, P. Białoń, P. Olender, J. Gutkowski, B. Belter, Ł. Łopatowski, "Content Aware Network Based on Virtual Infrastructure". Proceedings of 13th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing / Hochin Teruhisa, Lee Roger ( red.), 2012, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 978-0-7695-4761-9, ss. 643-648, DOI:10.1109/SNPD.2012.68
Wojciech Burakowski, Halina Tarasiuk, Andrzej Beben, Grzegorz Danilewicz, "Virtualized Network Infrastructure Supporting Co-existence of Parallel Internets", Proceedings of 13th ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing / Hochin Teruhisa, Lee Roger ( red.), 2012, IEEE Computer Society, ISBN 978-0-7695-4761-9, ss. 679-684,DOI:10.1109/SNPD.2012.67
A. Bęben, J. Mongay Batalla, D. Florez, W. Chai, S. Spiros , W. Ning, G. Michael, "The content mediator architecture for content-aware networks", Przegl±d Telekomunikacyjny- Wiadomo¶ci Telekomunikacyjne, ISSN: 1230-3496, SIGMA NOT, 2012, nr 8-9, t. PTiWT, pp. 1192-1203.<\p>
Wojciech Burakowski, Andrzej Bęben, Jarosław ¦liwiński, Halina Tarasiuk, Artur Binczewski, Adam Grzech, Tadeusz Czachórski, "The Future Internet Engineering project in Poland: goals and achievements", Towards and Beyond Europe 2020 - the Significance of Future Internet for Regional Development. Future Internet Week Report, 2012, Publishing House of the Institute for Sustainable Technologies - National Research Institute, ISBN 978-83-7789-111-7, ss. 123-136
W. K. Chai, N. Wang, I. Psaras, G. Pavlou, C. Wang, G. G. de Blas, F. J. Salguero, L. Liang, S. Spirou, A. Beben and E. Hadjioannou, "CURLING: Content-Ubiquitous Resolution and Delivery Infrastructure for Next Generation Services", IEEE Communications Magazine, Special Issue on Future Media Internet, pp. 112-120, March 2011
Jarosław ¦liwiński, Jordi Mongay Batalla, Wojciech Burakowski, Halina Tarasiuk, Andrzej Bęben, "PL-LAB: Polish initiative to develop labolatory infrastructure for testing Future Internet solutions" Proceedings of 11th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint ITG and Euro-NF Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks", 2011, ss. 41-43
W. Burakowski, J. Sliwiński, H. Tarasiuk, A. Beben, E. Niewiadomska-Szynkiewicz, P. Pyda, J. Mongay Batalla, "The IP QoS System", Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, Vol. 3, 2011, pp. 5-11.
Garcia De-Blas Gerardo, Bęben Andrzej, Ramon Francisco J., Maeso Adrian, Psaras Ioannis , Pavlou George, Hong Wang, Jarosław ¦liwiński, Spirou Spiros, Sergios Soursos, Eleftheria Hadjioannou, "COMET: Content mediator architecture for Content-Aware Networks", Conference Proceedings of the Future Network & MobileSummit 2011 / Cunningham Miriam, Cunningham Paul ( red.), 2011, IIMC International Information Management Corporation, ISBN 978-1-905824-23-6, ss. 1-8
Krawiec Piotr, Bęben Andrzej, Jarosław ¦liwiński, "The analysis of Virtual Link mechanism for Service Overlay Networks, w: An initiative to strengthen collaboration on Network Design and Performance / Danilewicz Grzegorz [i in.] (red.), 2011, Poznan University of Technology, ISBN 978-83-925375-5-7, ss. 168-175
P. Krawiec, A. Bęben, J. ¦liwiński, "The analysis of Virtual Link mechanism for Service Overlay Networks", In Proc. of the 1st European Teletraffic Seminar ETS'2011, Poznań, Poland, February 14-16, 2011, ISBN 978-83-925375-5-7, pp. 168-175
Jarosław ¦liwiński, Andrzej Beben, Piotr Krawiec, "EmPath: Tool to Emulate Packet Transfer Characteristics in IP Network", The Second International Workshop on Traffic Monitoring and Analysis TMA 2010, Ricciato F., Mellia M., Biersack E. (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6003/2010, pp. 46 - 58, April 2010
J. Mongay Batalla; A. Beben; A. Cabellos-Aparicio, "Profile deformation of aggregated flows handled by Premium and low priority services within the Geant network", ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-0062-9. Caen, IWCMC 2010.
W.Burakowski, H.Tarasiuk, A. Beben, J.¦liwiński, J. Mongay Batalla, P. Krawiec, "Internet przyszłości - nowe wyzwanie dla telekomunikacji (i nie tylko)", Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny, nr 4, 2010
E. Mingozzi, G. Stea, M.A. Callejo-Rodríguez, J. Enríquez-Gabeiras, G. García-de-Blas, F.J. Ramón-Salquero, W. Burakowski, A. Beben, J. Sliwinski, H. Tarasiuk, O. Dugeon, M. Diaz, L. Baresse, E. Monteiro, "EuQoS: End-to-End Quality of Service over Heterogeneous Networks", Computer Communications, vol. 32, issue 12, Elsevier July 2009.
W. Burakowski, A. Beben, H.Tarasiuk, J. Sliwiński, R. Janowski, J. Mongay Batalla, P. Krawiec, "Provision of End-to-End QoS in Heterogeneous Multi-Domain Networks", annals of telecommunications - annales des télécommunications Springer Eds., Vol. 63, Issue 11, Page 559. (2008)
M.A. Callejo-Rodrigitez, J. Enriquez-Gabeiras, W. Burakowski, A. Beben, J. Sliwinski, O. Dugeon, E. Mingozzi, G. Stea, M. Diaz, L. Baresse, "EuQoS: End-To-End QoS over Heterogeneous Networks," Innovations in NGN: Future Network and Services, 2008. K-INGN 2008. First ITU-T Kaleidoscope Academic Conference , vol., no., pp.177-184, 12-13 May 2008
J. ¦liwiński, A. Bęben, W. Burakowski, "Handling of heterogegeous CBR streams in wireless LANs by the Self-synghronised Packet Transfer mechanism", Theoretical and applied informatics, Polish Academy of Science, 2008
X. Masip-Bruin, M. Yannuzzi, R. Serral-Gracia, J. Domingo-Pascual, J. Enriquez-Gabeiras, M. Callejo, M. Diaz, F.Racaru, G. Stea, E. Mingozzi, A. Beben, W. Burakowski, E. Monteiro, L. Cordeiro, The EuQoS System: "A solution for QoS Routing in Heterogeneous Networks", IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol.45 No.2, February 2007
J.¦liwiński, W.Burakowski, A.Bęben: "A method for improving transfer quality of CBR streams over wireless lans" (w: Systems Science). 2007. z. 3. ss. 37-44.
A. Beben, The Monitoring and Measurement System in EuQoS project, 7th Concertation Meeting of IST-FP6 Communication Technologies, Broadband Cluster Group, Brussel, October 3, 2006 (PPT Presentation)
J. ¦liwiński, W.Burakowski and A.Bęben, A Method for Improving Transfer Quality of CBR Streams over Wireless LANs, In Proc. of 4th Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium, September 21-22, Wroclaw, Poland, ISBN 83-7085-975-5 (PPT Presentation)
M.Dabrowski, P.Owezarski, W.Burakowski & A.Beben, Overview of Monitoring and Measurement System in EuQoS Multidomain Network, In proc. of International Conference of Telecommunications and Multimedia, TEMU 2006, Crete - Greece, July 5-7, 2006.(PPT Presentation)
A.Beben, EQ-BGP: an efficient inter-domain QoS routing protocol, In proc. of IEEE 20th International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications,Vienna, Austria, April 18-20, 2006. (PPT Presentation)
W.Burakowski, A. Beben, H.Tarasiuk, J.¦liwiński. "Zapewnienie jako¶ci przekazu "od końca do końca" w sieci Internet: 6.PR IST EuQoS", Przegl±d Telekomunikacyjny, nr. 9, 2006
G. Stea, A. Bęben, Evaluation of EuQoS System by simulation: tools and results, First European Workshop of End-to-End QoS in the Internet, Paris, June 2005. (PDF Presentation)
A. Beben, W.Burakowski, J.Sliwinski, Methods for providing Quality of Service in WLANs , COST 279 Final Seminar, June 27-29, Lisboa, Portugal, 2005. (PPT Presentation)
M. D±browski, A. Bęben, P. Owezarski, X. Masip, R. Serral Gracia, G. Garcia de Blas, EuQoS and measurements, First European Workshop of End-to-End QoS in the Internet, Paris, June 2005. (PDF Presentation)
A. Bęben, W. Burakowski and M. D±browski, Reference Measurement Points for validation of end-to-end QoS in heterogeneous multiple domain network, 3rd International Workshop on Internet Performance, Simulation, Monitoring and Measurement IPS-MoMe 2005, Warsaw March 14-15, 2005. (PDF Presentation)
M.D±browski, A.Bęben, W.Burakowski, On Inter-Domain Admission Control Supported by Measurements in Multi-domain IP QoS Network, Proc. of 2nd International Workshop on Inter-Domain Performance and Simulation (IPS 2004), Budapest, Hungary March 22-23, 2004.
A. Beben, W. Burakowski, P. Pyda: A Comparison of ATM and IP QoS Network Capabilities for Handling LAN Traffic with QoS Differentiation, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2003. pp. 25-31.
W.Burakowski, A.Bęben, Premium Message Handling Service in Military Networks, Proc. of 5th Nato Regional Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems, Poland, 2003, ISBN: 83-920120-0-3.
A. Bak, A.Beben, W. Burakowski, M. Dabrowski, M. Fudala, H. Tarasiuk, Z. Kopertowski, AQUILA network architecture: first trial experiments, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2/2002.
M. Dabrowski, W. Burakowski, A. Beben, On effectiveness of conditional admission control for IP QoS network services with REM scheme, Journal of Telecommunications and Information Technology, 2/2002.
A.Bęben, W.Burakowski, "CBR service in wireless ATM network", European Transactions on Telecommunications, Vol.12, nr.4, July- August, 2001, pp. 311-320
W.Burakowski, A.Bęben, P.Pyda, Estimation of Multiplexing Gain in ATM Tactical Links, Procceding if the IEEE Military Communication Conference, IEEE MILCOM Washington, 2001.
A.B±k, A.Bęben, W.Burakowski, M.D±browski, M.Fudała, Z.Kopertowski and H.Tarasiuk, On handling streaming and elastic traffic in IP based AQUILA network: measurement results, 8th International Conference on Advances in Communications and Control, Telecommunication/Signal Processing, 25-29 June , Crete, Greece.
A.Bęben, P.Pyda, W.Burakowski, Data Traffic Transfer with Differentiated QoS in ATM Tactical Networks, NATO Regional Military Conference on Communications and Information Systems, RCMCIS'2001, September, Zegrze, Poland.
W. Burakowski, Z. Kopertowski and A. Beben, Differentiation Packet Transfer Quality in IP-Based Networks, Proceedngs of the NATO RTO IST Pannel, Warsaw, 2001
W.Burakowski, A. Bęben, "Modelling a wireless ATM access system with TDMA MAC protocol", Archiwum Informatyki Stosowanej, nr. 3, 2001.
W.Burakowski, H. Tarasiuk, "Priority scheme based on the queue management algorithm with reservations (QMAR)", Archiwum Informatyki Teoretycznej i Stosowanej nr 3, 2001 str. 231-247
A.Beben, W.Burakowski, P.Pyda, "Evaluation of Traffic Carried by ATM Wireless Access Link Controlled be MEDIAN Protocol", Personal Wireless Communications, (ed.J.Wozniak, J.Konorski) Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2000 str. 133-146
A.Beben, W.Burakowski and P.Pyda, Admission Control for ATM Wireless Access Point, Proc. of the First Polish-German Teletraffic Symposium, PGTS 2000, Dresden, September24-26, 2000, Germany.
A.Beben, W.Burakowski, P.Pyda, Evaluation of traffic carried by ATM wireless access link controlled by MEDIAN protocol, Proc. of the IFIP Conference on Personal Wireless Communications, September 2000, Poland.
W.Burakowski et al., An overview of Activities on Wireless Networks in the European Project COST 257, Proc. of the IFIP Conference on Personal Wireless Communications, September 2000, Poland.
A. Bęben, W. Burakowski, P. Pyda, On CAC function for the wireless ATM network, IEEE Military Communications Systems, MILCOM2000 Conference, Los Anchelos, USA 2000
Andrzej Beben, Piotr Pyda and Wojciech Burakowski, Traffic transport capabilities in TDMA WATM protocols, Proc. of Regional Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems, Zegrze, 2000.
W.Burakowski, A.Bęben, Traffic Control Mechanisms for Wireless ATM networks, Proc. of 2nd ELMAR International Workshop on Video Processing and Multimedia Comunications, June 28-30 2000, Zadar, Croatia.
A.Bak, A.Beben, W.Burakowski, Z.Kopertowski, P.Pyda, M.Le¶niewicz. "Ocena jako¶ci usług warstwy ATM w sieciach bezprzewodowych", Telekomunikacja Cyfrowa nr 3/4, 1999
A.Bęben, W.Burakowski, "Usługa CBR w bezprezwodowych sieciach ATM", Telekomunikacja Cyfrowa nr.3/4, 1999, str. 137-148
A.B±k , A.Bęben , W.Burakowski, T.Kalkowski, Z.Kopertowski, P.Pyda Quality of ATM layer services in wireless networks, Proc. of IEEE MILCOM'99 Conference, USA.
Andrzej Beben, Andrzej Bak, Wojciech Burakowski, Zbigniew Kopertowski and Piotr Pyda, Performance Studies of the Wireless ATM Network using OPNET package 13th European Simulation Multiconference Warsaw, Poland, June 1-4, 1999.
A. B±k, W. Burakowski, A.Bęben, Evaluation of required queue size to support ABR Service, Proceedings of the Third IEEE Symposium on Computer and Communication (ISCC'98), s.525-529, Greece, 1998.
W.Burakowski, J.¦liwiński, A.Bęben, H.Tarasiuk, P.Krawiec, S.Kula, P. Dymarski S. Kaczmarek, M. Narloch, H.Gut-Mostowy, W.Latoszek, E.Szynkiewicz, P.Arabas, M.Rotnicki, T.Wisniewski, P.Pyda, T.Dalecki, "Specyfikacja Systemu IP QoS opartego na architekturze DiffServ", XXV Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji i Teleinformatyki KSTiT'2009, 16-18 wrze¶nia, 2009, Warszawa
W. Burakowski, J. ¦liwiński, A. Bęben, P. Krawiec, "Constant Bit Rate Virtual Links in IP Networks", In Proc. of the 16th Polish Teletraffic Symposium 2009, ŁódĽ, Poland, September 24-25, 2009, ISBN 978-83-7283-317-4, pp. 23-26
K.Lusiński, A.Beben, Measurement-based admission control for VoIP connections in the IEEE 802.11 WLAN, In Proceedings of 16th Polish Teletraffic Symposium 2009, ŁódĽ, Poland, September 24-25, 2009 (accepted for publication)
W.Burakowski, A.Bęben, H.Tarasiuk, J.¦liwiński, R.Janowski, P.Krawiec, J.Mongay Batalla, D.Duda, A.Kolewska: "Wyniki projektu IST EuQoS" (w: Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji i Teleinformatyki KSTiT 2007). 2007. ss. 785-792.
Jarosław ¦liwiński, Andrzej Bęben, Leszek Urban, Metoda zapewnienia jako¶ci obsługi w bezprzewodowej sieci LAN, National Symposium of Telecommunications, 13-15 September, 2006, Bydgoszcz, Poland. (PPT Presentation in polish)
W. Burakowski, A.Bęben, H.Tarasiuk, J. ¦liwiński, "Zapewnienie jako¶ci przekazu "od końca do końca": projekt 6.PR IST EuQoS", Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, 13-15 wrze¶nia, 2006, Bydgoszcz. (artykuł plenarny)
W. Burakowski, H. Tarasiuk, A. Bęben, M. D±browski, EuQoS IST project: Overview of the QoS famwork for EuQoS, National Symposium of Telecommunications, 7-9 September, 2005, Bydgoszcz, Poland. (PDF Presentation)
A.Beben, On performance of EQ-BGP in providing end-to-end QoS in multi-domain IP networks, 12th Polish Teletraffic Symposium PSRT2005, 19-20 September, 2005 Poznan, Poland.
W. Burakowski, A. Beben, "IST EuQoS project: End-to-end Quality of Service support over heterogeneous networks, Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz, Poland, 2004, pp. 150-154.
W.Burakowski, A.Bęben, Premium Message Handling Service in IP QoS Networks, Proc. of 10th Polish Teletraffic Symposium, Cracow, Poland, 2003, ISBN: 83-88309-01-3.
A.Bęben, R.Janowski, Statistical Admission Control for WWW Traffic, Proc. of 10th Polish Teletraffic Symposium, Cracow, Poland, 2003, ISBN: 83-88309-01-3, COST 279 MC meeting in Warsaw, 2003.
A. Bak, A. Beben, W. Burakowski, M. Dabrowski, M. Fudala, , H. Tarasiuk, Z. Kopertowski AQUILA Network Architecture: First Trial Experiments,Polish Teletraffic Symposium, Zakopane, 2001 and III Ogólnopolska Konferencja "INTERNET - Wroclaw, Poland 2001", December 2001.
Monika Fudala, Wojciech Burakowski, Andrzej Bęben, "How to handle Web traffic with QoS?", Polish Teletraffic Syposium, 03-05 September, Zakopane, 2001
Marek D±browski, Wojciech Burakowski and Andrzej Bęben, On Effectiveness of Conditional Admission Control for IP QoS network services with REM scheme, Proc. of 8th Polish Teletraffic Symposium, 2001.
M. Fudała, W. Burakowski, A.Beben, How to handle Web traffic with QoS?, Polish Teletraffic Symposium, Zakopane, 2001.
A.Bęben, W.Burakowski, On improving CBR service playback buffer mechanism in WATM network, COST Document, Warsaw, 1999 Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, KST'99, Bydgoszcz
Andrzej Beben, Analiza zabezpieczenia kodowego komorek ATM, Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji, Bydgoszcz 98 (in polish).
A.Bak, W. Burakowski & A.Beben The ER-PR method: new results, Proc. of 4th Polish Teletraffic Symposium, Poznan 97.